Presence is a list of attendance of a person who is entitled to access from the list of employees or students. Presence as the very difficult when there is a rush. Presence that will be used is based mobile phone with android system. In order to facilitate a person to do when the presence in a hurry. The system used to use a sensor that picks up the signal wifi mobile phone.
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a solution to mengintegerasi wifi to do Presence. WSN connect with a mobile phone and then passed back to the server. Server as the basic computing center in the distribution system and the determination of presence. The server also contains a list of attendance, name, time off work. So that all may facilitate the early knowl-check the data in the Presence.
Based on testing performed by the hardware. XBee as WSN method generates a data error of 14% on the amount of data 90 bytes of data submissions. In the 30 bytes of data delivery, xbee not have a data error. Pengoptimalisasi time shipment data from android to xbee to get sent back had an average of 4.562 seconds. And FCM method applied to xbee using sleep mode with end-devices using AA batteries produce 64.2 hours time.