The Influence of Leadership Styles toward Employee Performance (Case Study at Marketing Division of PT. Topgrowth Futures Bandung)


Informasi Dasar

111 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

Along with the numbers of futures companies in Indonesia which has more than 67 companies not including the branches make the competition in futures sector becoming tight. It is needed to enhance the human resource asset by practicing the most appropriate leadership style in work environment. PT Topgrowth Futures branch in Bandung established legally on February, 2014 and 60% of the employee doesn’t meet the company target. This research is conducted to know the transformational, transactional and employee performance in marketing division of PT Topgrowth Futures Bandung also the influence of transformational and transactional leadership style toward the employee performance partially and simultaneously. Data collection method is gathered by distributing the questionnaire directly to the all of the employee in marketing division of PT Topgrowth Futures Bandung with total of 35 respondent. This research is using saturated sampling which use all of the population as the sample. All instrument of the questionnaire is valid and the data were processed using SPSS version 17 for Windows along with Microsoft Excel 2013 for the back up calculation. Based on the results of data analysis, the respondents' assessment of transformational and transactional is categorized as high scores. This means that respondents showed a good perception of the variables of transformational and transactional leadership style. Data shows that transformational position slightly higher than the transactional (differing only 2%) By looking on evaluation of the influence of transformational and transactional partially and simultaneously, all independents variable namely transformational and transactional leadership style are positively and significantly influence the dependent variable (employee performance) Based on result of this research, to increase the employee performance. PT Topgrowth Futures Bandung marketing division is advised to share the future view of the leader to subordinate with the objective to achieve company goal, also keep the rewarding system for the employee that successfully achieve the manager target with staying active on monitoring the performance and the work of the subordinate. Marketing Manager of PT Topgrwoth Futures also needs to avoid an unnecessary influence that can conduct the bad habit like absence and ignoring the subordinate. Last, the manager is needed to give the real corrective action to subordinate mistake and the company needs to give the training or event that can stimulate the subordinate way of thinking with objective to get the subordinate original idea in their work.

Key word: transformational, transactional, employee performance, leadership, Human Resource Management




The Influence of Leadership Styles toward Employee Performance (Case Study at Marketing Division of PT. Topgrowth Futures Bandung)


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Universitas Telkom
Bandung (Kab.)




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