DPPK is Department of Revenue and Financial Management in Bandung Regency. DPPK is divided into five divisions, namely 1st Revenue Section, 2nd Revenue Section, Budgeting Section, Treasury Section and Accounting Section. DPPK. 1st Revenue section who responsible to manage income of Bandung Regency in local tax, local retribution, local own source assets and local own source revenue. In the implementation, 1st Revenue section just focused on managed local tax of Bandung Regency. To improve local tax services in Bandung Regency, DPPK can use information technology advances that supports business activity in 1st Revenue Section. With the information system strategic planning can help DPPK to use information technology advances in improving the local tax services Bandung Regency.
Information system strategic planning based on TOGAF ADM framework is one of the methods that can be used to harmonize business strategy and IT strategies based on business needs in 1st Revenue Section of DPPK. Applying TOGAF ADM framework for information system strategic planning divided into nine phase. For implement information system strategic planning in DPPK involve preliminary phase, architecture vision, business architecture, information system architecture, technology architecture and opportunities and solution phase.
The result of information system strategic planning based on TOGAF ADM framework in 1st Revenue Section of DPPK are business architecture target, information system architecture target that suitable with the business architecture, technology architecture target that support the information system architecture and the solution for architecture target outlined in the roadmap. From the result, expected to increase the local tax services in Bandung Regency by making use of IT advances.