The case of land and forest fires in the province is prone to forest fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan each year tend to increase. Based on data from the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) on the fires in 2015, the number of hotspots in Sumatra and Kalimantan reached 944 points and 222 points. Catastrophic losses smoke damage to the environment and the quality of public health. Smoke disasters cause loss of life and suffering from acute respiratory infections (ARI).
This study aims to identify, map and formulate the role of stakeholders in case the problem of forest fires. Data collected through interviews and then analyzed by qualitative descriptive. These results indicate there are thirteen (13) actor role of stakeholders in case of forest fires in Indonesia starting from the claimants of land, farmers, local governments to the central government, employers, up to an advocacy group. In addition to the role of actor stakeholder analysis, obtained also description of the role and organization of disaster response fire from the national level to the village level or business unit.
Keywords: Stakeholders, Forest Fire.