Al Ihsan hospital is a regional general hospital located in Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, West Java. The current situation of this non-profit healthcare company is in transition to a wider health services development either the building or the treatment areas such as the additional of a medical team focused on cancer. The problems that occurred in Al Ihsan is not yet implemented enterprise architecture. Al Ihsan has symptoms of a lack of good information systems. The purpose of this research is to design the enterprise architecture and make the roadmap for guideline in implementation of this enterprise architecture design. We use TOGAF ADM which has many phases including preliminary phase, architecture vision, business architecture, information system architecture, and technology architecture, opportunities and solution, and migration planning. By using this framework, we will produce a blueprint that will be the first step of information system development. The conclusion is enterprise architecture research was conducted in a non-profit hospital using TOGAF ADM that expected to solve the problem.