Behavioral Intention of Consumer towards The Existence of Go-Food


Informasi Dasar

173 kali
658.834 2
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

The existence of e-commerce in Indonesia could ease every single person to access and get products or services they need. By the help of internet and such websites and applications, it could help us to minimalize time waste to shop at offline retails. One of e-commerce’s game changer in Indonesia is GO-JEK. The consumer behavior may change towards the existence of GO-JEK, it reflects the impact and performance of GO-JEK in Indonesia. Mobile application of GO-JEK is a media to serve its consumers. The existence of GO-JEK that also powering Go-Food as the biggest food delivery service now in Indonesia (Gojek, 2016).

This research is to determine customers’ values to variables of Hedonic Motivation, Prior Online Purchase Experience, Time Saving Orientation, and Price Saving Orientation, affect to the Convenience Motivation and Post-Usage Usefulness. To determine the variables of Convenience Motivation and Post-Usage Usefulness affect to Attitude towards Online Food Delivery Services (AODS) and Behavioral Intention towards Online Food Delivery Services (BIOFDS), Convenience Motivation, affect Post-Usage Usefulness. And to determine the variable of Attitude towards Online Food Delivery Services affect Behavioral Intention towards Online Food Delivery Services

This research is using quantitative method with purposive sampling. This study has 400 valid questionnaires which contain 29 items question that have been distributed online. Partial Least Square (PLS) was used in this study.

According to the processed data, discovered that twelve out of fourteen variables are accepted. Two rejected variables are price saving orientation to convenience motivation and convenience motivation to attitude towards OFD.

Based on the analysis result, to gain the price saving orientation to convenience motivation, Go-Food can innovate more events or attractive deals for the consumers. Go-Food also can make the consumers easier access in the process of purchase using Go-Food and to gain customers’ convenience motivation.

Keywords: Convenience Motivation, Post-Usage Usefulness, Attitude towards online food delivery system, Behavioral Intention towards food delivery system




Behavioral Intention of Consumer towards The Existence of Go-Food


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Indira Rachmawati


Universitas Telkom




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