Analisis Pemilihan Pemasok Biji Kopi Pada Kaikara Koffie Bandung Menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process


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147 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

Developments of the coffee shop in Bandung City quite rapidly create competition in the industry to be very tight coffee shop. Coffee shop owners certainly must think of a strategy to be superior among its competitors and one way is to have quality suppliers, especially Kaikara Koffie who is the object of this research. Selection of suppliers is a very important thing to do in the purchasing activities and supply of raw material for a company. Therefore, choosing a supplier is important for Kaikara Koffie to consistently maintain the quality of the coffee produced and consider suppliers for long term cooperation. This study aims to select a coffee bean supplier for Kaikara Koffie using existing criteria and determine the best supplier to work with in the long term. Considering the inconsistent quality of coffee owned by Kaikara Koffie. The method used is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the help of Expert Choice software. The technique of collecting data by distributing questionnaires using non-probability sampling techniques because the population is sampled, this is done because the population in this study is the owner of Kaikara Koffie, production manager, and logistics manager so that it does not reach 30 people and is relatively small. The results of this study indicate the importance of the criteria in selecting a coffee bean supplier for Kaikara Koffie and it is known that the main priority is the quality criteria with a weight value of 0.656. The second priority is the service criteria with a weight value of 0.267 and the last priority is the delivery criteria with a weight value of 0.077. From the supplier selection results in this study, the results show that Supplier C (Spill) is considered the best supplier with a weight value of 0.500 followed by Supplier A (Java-G) with a weight value of 0.261 and Supplier B (Halu) with a weight value of 0.239. Therefore, the results of this study indicate that quality criteria are the top priority criteria in selecting suppliers and Supplier C (Spill) is the best supplier that can be worked with long-term. This research is expected to increase knowledge and reference for further research, especially in the field of suppliers and supply chain management. It is also hoped that Kaikara Koffie can be more selective in selecting suppliers so that the products produced are of good quality and also for coffee bean suppliers/vendors can better maintain the quality of their coffee bean products so they can work together for a long time.

Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Coffee Shop, Supplier Selection




Analisis Pemilihan Pemasok Biji Kopi Pada Kaikara Koffie Bandung Menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process


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Ratih Hendayani


Universitas Telkom, S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika)




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