The aimed of this research is to find out how much the influence of internal media of IntraPAS towards the information needs of the employees of PT. Pelita Air Service. The independent variables studied are internal media (IntraPAS as an online media), while the dependent variables are information needs.
This research use quantitative research method and this type of research focus on the reveal of causal relation between the variable. Data analyze technique on this research used linier regular regression analyze technique. The populations in this study were all employees of the head office of PT. Pelita Air Service, located in Jakarta. Engineering samples are probability sampling technique used was simple random sampling approach with a sample size of 175 respondents.
Based on the analysis using simple linear regression analysis techniques derived value of b = 0.602, where this value is positive. This means that there are positive effects of internal media with the information needs. In the hypothesis test value (15.755) is greater than (1.973), so it can be concluded that there were significant effects of media internal and information needs. The result of correlation analysis = 0.768 (0.60 ? r ? 0.79). This means there is a strong positive relationship between internal media with information needs. The higher of internal media, the higher of information needs. The conclusion of this study stated that there is significant influence between internal media with information needs.
Keywords: internal media, online media, information needs