Nowadays, the trend of the parents is to send their children in early childhood education. However, these conditions are not followed by their knowledge of children’s education. The parents want instant results, which this issue is a challenge for teachers to provide the best education for children.
This research seeks to observe and find about: (1) the content and purpose of the specification from PAUD Mawar, (2) Assessment of entering behavior from PAUD Mawar, (3) instructional strategic from PAUD Mawar, (4 ) the organization of the instructional unit from PAUD Mawar, (5) feedback from PAUD Mawar.
Conclusions of this research are: 1) the making of the content and purpose of the specification from PAUD Mawar based on Permendiknas No. 58 Tahun 2009 about PAUD standardization, 2) early measurements were performed PAUD Mawar used to see the children’s knowledge and to develop the speech abilities; 3) PAUD Mawar apply many varieties of instructional strategies such as the method of question and answer, demonstration, and use painting teacher to develop the skills of children; the organization of the instructional unit performed by making the themes’ duration according to the difficulties level of the material; and PAUD Mawar use the question and answer method after studying time and once after six months.
Keywords: instructional communication, early childhood education.