The shifting of marketing era from legacy marketing to New Wave Marketing also affect Indonesia’s telecommunication sector. Indosat which choose youth as its target market try to make a better relation with its customers through IM3 School Community. But, since 2009, brand index of IM3 has decreased which means the attitude of consumers IM3 shift to negative area. The main purpose of this research is to know how brand community integration on IM3 School Community Bandung and its influence to consumer’s brand attitude with 100 respondents who join in IM3 School Community Bandung.
The respondent’s perception about Customer-to-Product Relationship, Customer-to-Brand Relationship, Customer-to-Company Relationship, and Customer-to-Other Customers Relationship are 84,7%, 77,83%, 78,84%, and 82,5%. Brand Attitude had percentage 80,77%. Those four independent variable simultaneously had a significant influence on brand attitude, but partially there are two variable which had insignificantly influence so researcher do trimming process by deleted variable Customer-to-Product Relationship.. After trimming process, the result show that Customer-to-Brand Relationship, Customer-to-Company Relationship, and Customer-to-Other Customers Relationship simultaneously had a significant influence on brand attitude and partially those three independent variable had significant influence where Customer-to-Company Relationship has greater total influence than others (36,9%)
Indosat need to improve brand of IM3 to be more trusted by customers and show company concern to customer’s opinion consistently through some events supported by Indosat. Those events will give more positive experience to customers which can be affected their attitude toward brand to be more positive.