The Covid-19 pandemic that is currently hitting Indonesia is still a major problem. Many health campaigns regarding Covid-19 have been made, one of which is the "Ingat Pesan Ibu" campaign. “Ingat Pesan Ibu” campaign was disseminated massively through various media channels, one of which was using “Ingat Pesan Ibu” song by Padi Reborn. This study aims to find out the effect of the song “Ingat Pesan Ibu” in persuading the public to change behavior that occurs in late adolescence in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Through a quantitative approach and using the Instrumental Model of Persuasion to measure the effect of persuasion, there were 259 respondents in this study. The data analysis technique used are descriptive analysis to find out how far the influence of the “Ingat Pesan Ibu” song and Path Analysis to find out how much influence of “Ingat Pesan Ibu” song has in changing late adolescent behavior. The results in this study explain that the influence of “Ingat Pesan Ibu” song is in the good category. In addition, the direct influence of the Message factor (X2) on the Intervening Process (Z) is 64.5%. The direct influence of the message factor (X2) on behavior change is 7.3%. The direct influence of the Intervening Process (Z) on Behavior Change (Y) is 24.9%. The indirect effect of the Message Factor (X2) on Behavior Change (Y) through the Intervening Process (Z) is 40.1%. In this study it was also found that the source factor (X1) did not affect other variables.