Building villages by leveraging technological potential and reducing unemployment and
urbanization issues are the goals of PT. Kampung Marketerindo Berdaya. One example of village
development utilizing technological potential carried out by PT. Kampung Marketerindo Berdaya is
the creation of an application named “Mitra Komerce”. PT. Kampung Marketerindo Berdaya
developed the Mitra Komerce application with the hope of facilitating employees in their work.
However, users have experienced several drawbacks with the Mitra Komerce application, such as
its difficulty of use, resulting in the application's goals not being optimally achieved due to
suboptimal user acceptance behavior. Efforts to address this issue include conducting research to
identify the factors influencing user acceptance behavior towards the Mitra Komerce application.
The method used is the C-TAM-TPB method, utilizing variables such as perceived ease of use,
perceived usefulness, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral
intention. The results of the study show that five hypotheses were accepted, meeting the criteria of
a T-statistic value greater than 1.96 and P-values less than 0.05, while one was rejected for not
meeting the criteria of T-statistic and P-values. Ease of use with a value of 29.388, usefulness with
a value of 3.496, user attitude, and behavioral control increase confidence and positive attitudes
towards the acceptance behavior of the Mitra Komerce application, whereas subjective norms are
not significant to user acceptance behavior. Based on the analysis conducted, it is recommended to
PT. Kampung Marketerindo Berdaya to improve the design and features of the application, simplify
the interface, provide technical support, ensure effective communication about the benefits of the
application, as well as provide efficient control features and incentives such as points that can be
exchanged for food or beverages.
Keywords: C-TAM-TPB, Mitra Komerce Application, PT. Kampung Marketerindo Berdaya,
Recommendations, Technology