In today's world, rapid technological advancements have profoundly
impacted various aspect of life, particularly financial management. The COVID-19
pandemic has highlighted the critical need for financial literacy and management,
especially among Millennials in Indonesia. Investing through mutual funds,
particularly via Financial Technology (FinTech) platforms, is one effective strategy
to achieve financial goals. Bibit, a leading robo-advisor in Indonesia, uses artificial
intelligence to offer personalized investment advice, making investing more
accessible and user-friendly for novice investors.
The primary aim of this research is to determine how these factors affect
user attitudes and their intention to use the Bibit application. Utilizing a quantitative
approach based on respondent perception This study examines the factors that
influence the intention to use the Bibit mutual fund investment application in
Jakarta, focusing on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived risk
through user attitude.
The method in this research is quantitative with descriptive and causal type
of Likert scale, data were gathered from 400 respondents in Jakarta that using Bibit
application through a structured questionnaire. Software used is Smart PLS 4. The
collected data were then analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and the
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique such as path coefficient, specific
indirect, and goodness of fit to test the hypotheses and evaluate the relationships
between the variables.
The results show that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have
a significant positive effect on user attitudes and their intention to use the Bibit
application. In contrast, perceived risk negatively affects user attitudes, thereby
influencing their intention to use the platform. The findings suggest that users are
more likely to continue using the application if they find it easy to use and beneficial
for their investment needs. However, high perceived risks can discourage users
from engaging with the app.
Based on the findings, several recommendations are made for Bibit. These
include improving the user interface design to ensure easy navigation, providing
detailed performance tracking tools, and enhancing security features to safeguard
user data and transactions. Moreover, fostering community engagement through
forums and implementing loyalty programs can promote long-term use of the
application. Future research should extend to other cities and consider additional
factors such as perceived enjoyment and trust to gain a more comprehensive
understanding of user behavior in digital investments