Competitive rivalry is now being experienced by companies engaged in the field of telecommunications services especially in the internet service provider. Despite the big potential of the market, but only a company that is able to read the customer wishes which can win the business competition. Telkom SPEEDY realize the importance to improve the service performance during to maintain the high customer satisfaction. In order to improve the service performance, Telkom SPEEDY service must be able to read the real condition of the Service Performance which received by the customer and what the factors those need to be improved in the implementation of Services Performance itself. Based on that fact researcher do the research entitled The Impact of Service Performance on quality dimension, The methods used in this research are descriptive and quantitative and focusing on disclosure of causal relationships between variable which are RATER (Responsiveness,Assurance,Tangible,Empathy and Reliability), the customer satisfaction level, and the customer response.
Purposive and Convience sampling is the way to use the sampling technique with 400 respondents for Telkom SPEEDY user at Balikpapan Area. The results of path coefficient calculation is commonly assumed that the impact of simutaneously all the variable which are tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliablity and assurance toward customer satisfaction is 84.1% for Telkom SPEEDY users but as partially testing there is one variable rejected which is tangible. About 15.9% are influenced by other factors out of this research for instance, the product quality, price etc. based on the descriptive the average of customer respons is good, and for the customer satisfaction level is categorized satisfied but the still quite low. the IPA analysis determined the several attribute in quadrant 1 which is became the main priority to fixed it.
Keyword: SERVPERF (Service Performance), SERVQUAL, Customer Satisfaction, IPA Analysis, Path Analysis.