Evaluasi Kinerja Algoritma Penjadwalan Paket Untuk Mendukung Layanan Video Streaming Pada Jaringan HSDPA

Yeni Apriani

Informasi Dasar

148 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) merupakan teknologi terbaru dalam sistem telekomunikasi bergerak, dengan data rate yang tinggi hingga mencapai 14,4 Mbps. Video streaming adalah salah satu layanan yang disediakan oleh jaringan HSDPA. Dengan Video Streaming, user tidak perlu menunggu file video selesai didownload terlebih dahulu baru bisa diputar dan dinikmati tetapi user dapat melakukan download dan play sekaligus dalam satu waktu. Dalam video streaming, frameframe dikirim secara teratur dari server kemudian client menerima frameframe tersebut dan menampilkannya. Pola kedatangan frame ini haruslah konstan, artinya frame yang datang tidak bisa terlalu cepat atau terlalu lama. Oleh karena itulah teknik penjadwalan paket sangat diperlukan pada pengiriman paket video streaming untuk menjamin QoS layanan paket data pada jaringan.
Tugas akhir ini menyimulasikan pengaruh kinerja algoritma penjadwalan pada jaringan HSDPA untuk layanan video streaming berdasarkan parameter throughput, delay, packetloss dan jitter dari tiga macam teknik penjadwalan, diantaranya round robin, maxC/ I, dan fair channel dependent scheduling. Layanan video streaming dimodelkan dengan pembangkitan trafik CBR (Constant Bit Rate) dengan menggunakan software modelling tool ns2 (nsallinone2.30) dan penambahan modul EURANE (Enhanced UMTS Radio Access Network Extension) sebagai konfigurasi jaringan UMTSHSDPA.
Dari hasil simulasi yang didapat, pada saat semakin banyak jumlah user di jaringan dan semakin jauh jarak user ke node B, penjadwalan round robin memiliki nilai parameter QoS yang paling jelek, dengan nilai troughput yang terkecil, dan nilai delay, paketloss dan jitter yang terbesar dibandingkan dengan penjadwalan max C/I ataupun fair channel dependent scheduling. Sedangkan nilai parameter QoS penjadwalan max C/I berada di antara round robin dan fair channel dependent scheduling. Dan dari simulasi yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk layanan video streaming, penjadwalan fair channel dependent scheduling merupakan teknik penjadwalan yang sangat baik untuk jaringan High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) dari segi throughput maksimum serta delay, packetloss dan jitter minimum pada saat tanpa background trafik yang dilewatkan di jaringan.Kata Kunci : HSDPA, video streaming, algoritma penjadwalan.ABSTRACT: High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) was newest technology in the mobile telecommunications system, with the data rate that was high until reaching 14.4 Mbps. The video streaming was one of the services that was provided by HSDPA network. With the video streaming, user might not be waiting file the video was finished in download before just could be turned and enjoyed but user could do download and play at the same time in one time. In the application of the video streaming, frames was sent in an orderly fashion from server to client, afterwards client received frames this and put forward him. The pattern of the arrival frames this must constant, meaning that frames that came to be able to not be too fast or too long. Therefore packet scheduling really was needed in the sending of the package of the video streaming to guarantee QoS the package of the data in the network.
This final project simulated the influence of the achievement of the scheduling algorithm in the HSDPA network for the video streaming application was based on the parameter throughput, delay, packetloss and jitter from three sorts of the scheduling technique, among them round Robin, MaxC / I, and fair channel dependent scheduling. The video streaming application modelled with generate a CBR (Constant Bit Rate) traffic with used software modelling tool ns2 (nsallinone2.30) and added EURANE (Enhanced UMTS Radio Access Network Extension) module to ns2 as the configuration of HSDPA network.
From results of the simulation that was received, Scheduling round Robin had the value of the parameter QoS that was ugliest, with the value troughput that was smallest, and thought delay, paketloss and jitter that was biggest compared with Max's scheduling for C/I or fair channel dependent scheduling. Whereas the value of the parameter QoS Max's scheduling for C/I was between round Robin and fair channel dependent scheduling. And from the simulation that was carried out could be concluded that for the video streaming appilication, fair scheduling channel dependent scheduling was the scheduling technique that really was good for the High Speed Downlink Packet Access network (HSDPA) from the aspect of throughput maximum as well as delay, packetloss and jitter minimum.Keyword: HSDPA, video streaming, scheduling algorithm


Jaringan Multimedia


Evaluasi Kinerja Algoritma Penjadwalan Paket Untuk Mendukung Layanan Video Streaming Pada Jaringan HSDPA


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


Yeni Apriani


Universitas Telkom




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