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219 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: ABSTRAKSI Teknologi multimedia menyediakan layanan-layanan baru berupa video, FTP dan HTTP. Dengan meningkatnya penggunaan dan popularitas layanan multimedia saat ini menimbulkan suatu permasalahan yaitu permintaan bandwith melebihi kapasitas yang disediakan oleh jaringan yang menyebabkan terjadinya kongesti dan antrian paket data. Untuk itu perlu adanya Quality of Service (QoS) yang memberikan mekanisme penjadwalan dan manajemen sistem antrian dalam jaringan pada setiap layanan sesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan. Pada Tugas Akhir ini disimulasikan perbandingan antara dua skema penjadwalan yaitu WFQ (Weighted Fair Queueing) dan PQ (Priority Queueing) pada jaringan IP. Mekanisme penjadwalan dan manajemen antrian yang akan disimulasikan adalah paket video, FTP dan HTTP dengan menggunakan Network simulator-2 (ns-allinone-2.33) sebagai softwarenya. Parameter-parameter dalam QoS (Quality of Service) tersebut yaitu thoughput, delay dan packet loss.
Berdasarkan simulasi yang telah dilakukan pada penelitian ini didapatkan : Pada saat skenario 1, skema penjadwalan WFQ throughput-nya maksimal 0,064 Kbps, packet loss minimal yaitu 0%, delay terkecil yaitu 26,9258 ms, jitter terkecil 0,220379 ms. PQ dengan kapasitas link 1 Mbps, 5 Mbps, 10 Mbps throughput naik dari angka 0,00146667 Kbps menjadi 0,064 Kbps, packet los-nya turun dari angka 97,7083% hingga 0%, delaynya berada minimum 26,943 ms, jitter minimum 0,236353 ms. Pada skenario 2, ketika aplikasi yang dikirimkan adalah video, kedua skema memilki throughput dan packetloss yang sama yaitu 0,0608Kbps dan 0%. Saat aplikasi yang dikirimkan adalah FTP dan HTTP kedua skema scheduling adalah sama untuk nilai Throughput, packetloss, delay dan jitter masing-masing skema WFQ 1,762 Kbps, 1,2775%, 59,7648 ms, 1,23053 ms sedangkan skema PQ 1,6792 Kbps, 1,26999%, 69,6178 ms, 1,63239 ms. Pada skenario 3, untuk penjadwalan WFQ dengan sumber 5, 15, 30 throughput nya 0,128 Kbps, 0,064 Kbps, 225.875 Kbps, 0,0636 Kbps, packet lossnya yaitu 0%, 0%, 38.46%, dan 0,625% delay 27,09797 ms hingga 52,5965 ms, jitter 0,22399 ms, 1,26147 ms, 9,98519 ms. Sedangkan PQ didapatkan throughput 0,126667 Kbps, 0,06373333 Kbps, 0,0632 Kbps, packet loss 1,041667%, 1,66667%, 1,25%, delay sebesar 27,0905 ms - 52,7099 ms, jitter 0,242881 hingga 11,3814 ms. Pada skenario 4, pengaruh perubahan buffer 25, 100, 1000 skema penjadwalan WFQ throughput-nya maksimal 0,0638667 Kbps, packet loss minimal yaitu 0,625%, delay terkecil yaitu 61,8178 ms, jitter terkecil 6,77107 ms. Sedangkan PQ dengan buffer 25, 100, 1000 throughput naik dari angka 0,0626667 Kbps menjadi 0,0637333 Kbps, packet los-nya turun dari angka 2,08333% hingga 1,0416667%, delay minimum pada 71,2055 ms, jitter minimum 8,47431ms.Kata Kunci : Keywords : Congestion,QoS, PQ, WFQ, Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay and jitterABSTRACT: Multimedia tecnology provides new services,such as video,FTP, and HTTP. As the increasing number of multimedia service’s usage and popularity these days, it is also establish a problem, called overcapacity of bandwidth demand the network could provide, which is cause congestion and data package queue. Therefore we need Quality of Service (QoS), to give schedule mechanism and management queue system in the network to each services as the desire of customers.
In this final task will be simulated the comparison of two scheduling scheme called WFQ (Weighted Fair Queueing) and PQ (Priority Queueing) in the IP network. The scheduling mechanism and queue management that will be simulated are video package, FTP, and HTTP using Network simulator-2 (ns-allinone-2.33) as the software. The parameters in QoS (Quality of Service) are throughput, delay and packet loss.
Based on the simulation that has been done in this research resulted : At scenario 1, the throughput of WFQ scheduling scheme is 0,064 Kbps maximum, minimum packet loss 0%, smallest delay 26,9258 ms, smallest jitter 0,220379 ms. The throughput of PQ with the link capacity 1Mbps, 5Mbps, 10Mbps is up from 0,00146667 kbps to 0,064Kbps. Its packet loss down from 97,7083% to 0%, The minimum delay 26,943 ms, minimum jitter 0,236353ms. At scenario 2, when the apllication that has been sent is a video, both of the scheme has the same throughput and packetloss 0,0608Kbps and 0%. when the apllications that has been sent are FTP and HTTP, the scheduling scheme resulted the same value for Throughput, packetloss, delay dan jitter. Each WFQ scheme values are 1,762Kbps, 1,2775%, 59,7648ms, 1,23053ms, and PQ scheme values are 1,6792Kbps, 1,26999%, 69,6178ms, 1,63239ms. At scenario 3, The throughput values for the WFQ scheduling with a source value 5, 15, 30 are 0,128Kbps, 0,064Kbps, 225.875Kbps, 0,0636Kbps, and the values of packet loss are 0%, 0%, 38.46%, and 0,625%. The delay is about 27,09797ms to 52,5965ms, jitter 0,22399ms, 1,26147ms, 9,98519ms. The resulted throughput values of PQ are 0,126667Kbps, 0,06373333Kbps, 0,0632Kbps, the values os iv packet loss are 1,041667%, 1,66667%, 1,25%, delay is about 27,0905ms-52,7099ms, and jitter is about 0,242881 to 11,3814ms. At scenario 4, the differential values of buffer to 25, 100, 1000 in the WFQ scheme will effect the throughput value which is resulted maximum at 0,0638667Kbps, packet loss minimum at 0,625%, smallest delay at 61,8178ms, and smallest jitter at 6,77107 ms. In the other side, the differential values of buffer to 25, 100, 1000 in the PQ scheme, the throughput is up from 0,0626667Kbps to 0,0637333Kbps,the value of packet loss down from 2,08333% to 1,0416667%, with the minimum delay at 71,2055ms, and minimum jitter at 8,47431ms.
Keyword: Keywords : Congestion,QoS, PQ, WFQ, Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay and jitter


Jaringan Multimedia




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agung dewantara
R. Rumani, Arif Rudiana


Universitas Telkom




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