ABSTRAKSI: Pada zaman yang maju ini kebutuhan listrik semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik masyarakat, PLN mendirikan gardu listrik didaerah yang stategis. Sayangnya lokasi dari gardu listrik PLN jauh seperti perumahan, kantor dan pabrik. Karena lokasinya yang cukup jauh maka sulit diketahui keadaan diruang gardu tersebut dan tahu ada masalah bila sudah terjadi putusnya listrik.
Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sistem monitoring tegangan, arus, daya, fasa dan suhu untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Sistem monitoring yang dibuat haruslah dapat memonitoring beberapa gardu listrik. Permasalahan yang kemudian muncul adalah bagaimana pengiriman data dari garu listrik ke server. Salah satu solusinya adalah membuat suatu alat yang dapat mengirimkan data melalui Power Line Communiacation.
Pada Tugas Akhir kali ini, system monitoring dilakukan dengan metode TDD (Time Division Duplexing). Dengan metode ini, setiap gardu distribusi listrik akan mengirimkan data dengan frekuensi yang sama sesuai dengan standar CENELEC-B dan dibedakan menggunakan waktu pengiriman data. Prosentase keberhasilan pengiriman data dari Transmiter 1 ke Receiver sebesar 78% sedangkan dari Transmiter 2 ke Receiver sebesar 66%.
Kata Kunci : Kata Kunci: PLC, TDD, Cenelec-B, system monitoring, arus, tegangan, daya, fasa.ABSTRACT: In this modern age, electricity needs are increasing with the growth of the population. To supply demand electricity for people, PLN establish an electrical substation in the strategic area. But the location of the electrical substation of PLN is too far away from the house, office, and factory. Because of this, to know the condition of the electrical substation and know if there is a problem is too difficult and it will be known after there is an error or blackout.
So to know of this things, need a system that can monitoring of voltage, current, power, phase, and temperature to solve that troubles. Monitoring System that be built, must be can to monitoring the source of that trouble so well. The next trouble is how to communicate from one electrical substation with the other and with the server. One of the solution is to make a device that can transmit data from the Power Line, it called Power Line Communication.
In this final task, monitoring system using TDD (Time Division Duplexing). With this method, every electrical substation that monitored will transmit data in the same frequency that appropriate with the CENELEC-B standar and be distinguished with time. In the testing, the data that transmitted from transmitter 1 to receiver have success rate 78% and from transmitter 2 to receiver have success rate 66%.Keyword: Keyword: PLC, TDD, monitoring system, current, voltage, power, temperature.