ABSTRAKSI: Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: In this final task will be made video streaming among others is video on demand and live video streaming. And a streaming server that is used for video streaming applications is Red5 and Darwin Streaming Server.
Red5 is a streaming servers Java-based which use the RTMP protocol. While Darwin Streaming Server is a streaming server output apple that uses RTSP protocols.
QOS performance comparison results obtained from both the streaming server, among others, the throughput of video on demand Red5 has an average of 0.31 Mbps and Darwin Streaming Server has an average of 0.28 Mbps, so Red5 has a 4.16% better throughput than Darwin Streaming Server. In live video streaming throughput Darwin Streaming Server has an average 0.31 Mbps and Red5 has average 0.29 Mbps, so Darwin Streaming Server has 2.4% better throughput than Red5. To Delay video on demand Darwin Streaming Server has an average 0.24 ms and Red5 has average 0.22 ms, so the Darwin Streaming Server has a 5.5% longer than Red5. On delay live video streaming Darwin Streaming Server has an average 0.33 ms and Red5 has average 0.15 ms, so Darwin Streaming Server has 36.94% delay longer than Red5. For live video streaming, Darwin Streaming Server has the packet fail is greater than Red5, where the average packet fail Darwin Streaming Server by 0.42%. For video on demand jiter Darwin Streaming Server has an average of 0.29 ms and Red5 has an average of 0.37 ms, so that Red5 has a jitter 12.14% longer than Darwin Streaming Server. In live video streaming jitter Darwin Streaming Server has an average 0.35 ms and Red5 has average 0.23 ms, so Darwin Streaming Server has jitter 21.78% longer than Red5. So QOS performance Red5 is better than Darwin Streaming Server.
Keyword: Video Streaming, Darwin Streaming Server, Red5, Quality Of Service