Implementasi Public Key Cryptography pada Multimedia Messaging Service Menggunakan Enkripsi ElGamal Implementation of Public Key Cryptography on Multimedia Messaging Service with the Usage of ElGamal Encryption

R. Rizki Yogaswara

Informasi Dasar

186 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Multimedia Messaging Service / MMS telah beberapa waktu ini dapat dinikmati oleh pengguna layanan seluler di Indonesia, proses yang cepat dengan harga layanan dan kebutuhan gadget yang relative murah dianggap sebagai layanan tambahan yang cukup menarik.
Didalam Paper berjudul “Implementasi Public Key Cryptography pada Multimedia Messaging Service Menggunakan Enkripsi ElGamal” ini, diimplementasikan perangkat lunak untuk melakukan enkripsi pada file teks dan image menggunakan layanan MMS menggunakan metode Kriptografi Kunci Publik dengan algoritma ElGamal untuk dapat mengenkripsi file multimedia sebelum dikirimkan. Analisa yang dilakukan berfokus pada parameter tingkat keamanan, waktu enkripsi-dekripsi dan rasio ukuran ciphertext-plaintext.
Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa implementasi menggunakan public key memiliki kelebihan dalam hal distribusi kunci, namun memiliki kekurangan pada lamanya proses enkripsi dan terjadinya message expansion pada ciphertext.
Analisa tingkat keamanan dilakukan dari sudut pandang kemungkinan ekstraksi private key dari public key. Karena masalah ini dalam ElGamal sama dengan Permasalahan Logaritma Diskrit, maka pengukuran dilakukan menggunakan algoritma Pollard’s Rho. Pengukuran menunjukkan untuk kunci dengan panjang bit 256 dapat dipecahkan dalam ±3 bulan dengan mesin Intel Pentium Dual Core 1.8 GHz, namun dengan tindakan preventif seperti pembangkitan kunci dengan panjang bit yang lebih besar atau pembangkitan kunci baru secara berkala dapat memperbaiki kekurangan keamanan ini.Kata Kunci : Kriptografi, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), Kriptografi Kunci Publik,ABSTRACT: Indonesia’s Telecommunication World has never been more eventful with the abundance of service through the telephone network that had been provided by sellular operators. Along with cheaper cost for providing cellular service, service providers tend to provide much more than just the traditional phonecall and text messaging via Short Message Service (SMS)
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) has been used and enjoy by cellular user for some time now in Indonesia, fast service and relatively cheap cost for data transmission has deemed MMS to be an interesting service for users.
In this paper entitled, “Implementation of Public Key Cryptography on Multimedia Messaging Service with the Usage of ElGamal Encryption”, a software to encrypt files of format text and image using the MMS Service using the Public Key Cryptography with ElGamal Encryption is implemented. And then the output of the system will be analyzed according to following parameters: security, encryption and decryption time and the percentage of filesize ratio between plaintext-ciphertext.
It is concluded from this research that public key implementation is indeed valid for message encryption, with the advantage in key distribution while lacking in the lengthy encryption process and that there is a message expansion.
Security level analysis is conceived from the point of view of key recovery, that is to ecstract the private key from the corresponding public key. Since this problem in the ElGamal corresponds with the Discrete Logarithm Problem, hence the usage of the Pollard’s Rho algorithm. And it shows that with the usage of a 256-bit keys,a popular Intel Pentium Dual Core 1.8GHz can recover the private key in approximately 3 months time, but this lacking in security can be dealt with preventive measure such as the usage of a more lengthy keys or the generation of new keys periodically.Keyword: Cryptography, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), Public Key Cryptography,


Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak


Implementasi Public Key Cryptography pada Multimedia Messaging Service Menggunakan Enkripsi ElGamal Implementation of Public Key Cryptography on Multimedia Messaging Service with the Usage of ElGamal Encryption


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


R. Rizki Yogaswara
Mahmud Imrona, Retno Novi Dayawati


Universitas Telkom




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