Analisis Perbandingan Performansi Routing Protokol Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) Dan Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) pada Jaringan Hybrid Ad-hoc Wireless


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Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Jaringan Hybrid Ad Hoc adalah jaringan yang terbentuk dari sekumpulan wireless mobile node yang saling berkomunikasi tanpa infrastruktur yang tetap (manet) dan jaringan infrastruktur. Topologi jaringan Hybrid Ad hoc berubah-ubah sesuai dengan sifaat jaringan manet, dimana setiap node dalam jaringan bebas bergerak kemana dan kapan saja dia mau. Berdasarkan kondisi jaringan yang berubah-ubah tersebut maka pencarian jalur yang efektif, optimal dan tidak membebani link merupakan salah satu hal yang menjadi masalah dalam jaringan hybrid Ad Hoc. Ada 2 jenis routing protokol yang dapat berjalan di jaringan hybrid ad hoc, yaitu routing protokol proaktif dan reaktif, kombinasi kedua sifat jenis routing protokol tersebut menghasilkan kombinasi routing protokol hybrid, contohnya zrp. Salah satu contoh routing protokol proaktif adalah dsdv. Pada tugas akhir ini disimulasikan kedua routing protocol tersebut dalam satu skenario kondisi jaringan hybrid Ad Hoc dengan menggunakan network simulator 2. Hasil simulasi kemudian dianalisis dan dihasilkan bahwa ZRP memiliki nilai routing overhead,convergence time dan end to end delay lebih baik daripada dsdv, akan tetapi dsdv memiliki nilai routing overhead dan end to end delay lebih baik pada mobilitas rendah dan diawal pengiriman paket data sebesar 2mb. Evaluasi kinerja dari protokol DSDV dan ZRP tersebut ditinjau dari parameter : packet delivery ratio, packet loss ratio, end to end delay, convergence time, dan routing overheadKata Kunci : zrp, dsdv, packet delivery ratio, packet loss ratio, end to end delay, convergence time, dan routing overhead, jaringan hybrid ad hoc, manet, proaktifABSTRACT: Hybrid Ad Hoc network is a network formed from a collection of wireless mobile nodes that communicate with each other without a fixed infrastructure (Manet) and network infrastructure. Hybrid Ad hoc network topology changes according to the Manet behaviour, where each node in the network are free to move where and whenever he wants. Based on the network conditions change then the search path that is effective, optimal and do not overload the link is one thing that becomes a problem in hybrid ad hoc networks. There are two types of routing protocols that can run on a hybrid ad hoc networks, namely proactive and reactive routing protocols, the combination of these two properties are the type of routing protocols produce a combination of hybrid routing protocols, for example zrp. One example of proactive routing protocols is dsdv. In this thesis the two routing protocols are simulated in a scenario of hybrid ad hoc network conditions by using the network simulator 2. The simulation results were then analyzed and produced the ZRP has a value of routing overhead, convergence time and the end to end delay is better than dsdv, but dsdv have a value of routing overhead and end to end delay is better at low mobility and the early delivery of data packets for 2mb. Performance evaluation of protocols DSDV and ZRP are viewed from the parameters: packet delivery ratio, packet loss ratio, end to end delay, convergence time and routing overheadKeyword: zrp, dsdv, packet delivery ratio, packet loss ratio, end to end delay, convergence time and routing overhead, hybrid ad hoc networks, Manet, proactive


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Analisis Perbandingan Performansi Routing Protokol Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) Dan Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) pada Jaringan Hybrid Ad-hoc Wireless


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


Vera Suryani, Niken Dwi Wahyu Cahyani


Universitas Telkom




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