ABSTRAKSI: Seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan aplikasi web saat ini, maka performansi aplikasi adalah isu yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan oleh developer. Agar dapat terus memenuhi user expectation terhadap performa aplikasi tanpa menambah resource perangkat keras, maka solusi yang mungkin dilakukan adalah melakukan optimasi dari sisi scripting aplikasi. Hasilnya, pengimplementasian Tweak Method pada aplikasi IPromise dapat mempercepat Response Time hingga 99.26% dan byte transferred hingga 88.05% dari sebelumnyaKata Kunci : performa, optimasi, Tweak Method, Tweak View, Tweak CacheABSTRACT: Nowadays, web based application development is increasing significantly. As the impact, the performance of application is the important issue for the developer. To fulfill the user’s expection of performance without adding some hardware, the solution that might be taken is optimize it from scripting side.
Symfony is a PHP-5-based-framework that fasilitate the developer with optimization’s step called Tweak Method. Tweak Method can be implemented in 3 ways : Tweak Model, Tweak View, and Tweak cache. In Tweak View, the optimization focus on How to reduce byte transferred in template side. While in Tweak cache, the optimization focus on implementing PHP Cache technology. This method cache the opcode of every response that requested. The performance testing is done by using the Performance Testing Tool that built before, and integrate with the application.
As the results, the implementation of Tweak Method in IPromise application able to speed up the Response Time until 99.26% and the byte transferred until 88.05% than before.Keyword: performance, optimization, Tweak Method, Tweak View, Tweak cache.