Penerapan Burrows Wheeler Transform, Move To Front, dan Huffman Coding Untuk Efisiensi SMS (Short Message Services)

Mohammada Aprilianto

Informasi Dasar

114 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Saat ini komunikasi mobile sudah sangat populer dalam menyebarkan informasi. Salah satunya menggunakan SMS (Short Message Sevice). Maksimal karakter dalam sebuah SMS adalah 160 karakter, dimana sebuah karakter sebesar 7 bits, sehingga satu SMS maksimal 1120 bits. Seringkali SMS dikirim lebih dari satu SMS karena keterbatasan karakternya, sehingga orang harus membayar lebih.

Untuk mengatasi hal itu maka pada tugas akhir ini dibuat aplikasi kompresi SMS dengan teknik kompresi lossless menggunakan metode burrows wheeler transform, move to front, dan huffman coding. Aplikasi ini memberikan informasi mengenai rasio kompresi, waktu kompresi dan dekompresi, dan jumlah unit pulsa SMS sebelum dan setelah kompresi.

Dari proses pengujian didapatkan bahwa kompresi SMS metode burrows wheeler transform, move to front, dan huffman coding baru efisien ketika jumlah karakter SMS di atas 531 karakter dan jumlah unit pulsa di atas 5. Semakin banyak karakter yang dikompresi dan semakin banyak pola simbol yang sama, maka rasio kompresi makin baik.Kata Kunci : SMS, kompresi, burrows wheeler transform, move to front, huffman codingABSTRACT: Nowadays mobile communication is very popular in disseminating information. One of them use SMS (Short Message Sevice). Maximum characters in an SMS is 160 characters, where a character is 7 bits, so that a maximum of an SMS is 1120 bits. Usually more than one SMS are sent because of the limitations of its character, so people have to pay more.

To overcome this, this final project create SMS compression application with lossless compression technique using the method of Burrows wheeler transform, move to front, and huffman coding. This application provides information about compression ratio, compression and decompression time, and the number of SMS pulse unit before and after compression.

From testing process, it was found that the SMS will be compressed when the number of characters pretty much. The more characters that are compressed, the compression ratio is better and the compression time is greater. The number of SMS charging units decreases when the number of characters are pretty much.

From the testing process, it concludes that SMS compression with burrows wheeler transform, move to front, and huffman coding method will be efficient when the number of SMS characters above 531 and the number of SMS charging units are above 5. The more characters that are compressed and the more patterns of the same symbol, the better the compression ratio.Keyword: SMS, compression, burrows wheeler transform, move to front, huffman coding


Sistem Komputer dan Jaringan Komputer


Penerapan Burrows Wheeler Transform, Move To Front, dan Huffman Coding Untuk Efisiensi SMS (Short Message Services)


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Mohammada Aprilianto
Maman Abdurohman, -


Universitas Telkom




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