Analisis Pengaruh Kontrol Suhu Terhadap Performansi Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) dengan Menggunakan Kontrol PID

Idam Firdaus

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169 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Fuel Cell adalah suatu bentuk sistem energi terbarukan yang bekerja berdasarkan proses elektrokimia dan menghasilkan arus listrik searah (DC) serta panas dan air sebagai sisa reaksinya. Panas berlebih yang dihasilkan dari Fuel Cell ini dapat menurunkan performansi Fuel Cell. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu sistem pengontrolan suhu untuk menjaga suhu stack Fuel Cell agar berada pada suhu kerja yang ideal. Sistem pengontrolan suhu ini dilakukan pada PEMFC 100W menggunakan kontrol PID dengan metode root locus, dan diperoleh penguatan proporsional Kp = 3.65 dan penguatan proporsional integratif Ki = 0.365. Pemilihan penguat tersebut dengan mempertimbangkan respon transien sistemnya, yaituwaktu naikyang cepat, lonjakansekecil mungkin, dan tidak memiliki eror tunak. Ketika penguat diimplementasikan ke dalam sistem, sistem memiliki waktu naik0.2 sekon, tidak memiliki lonjakandan nilai eror tunaksebesar 0.08oC. Pengontrol suhu ini mampu menghasilkan performansi PEMFC 100Wyang optimal yaitu ± 16 volt, dan mampu menjaga suhu optimalPEMFC 100W yaitu ± 31oC.
Kata Kunci : PEMFC, pengontrol suhu, PID, root locus, respon transien sistem.ABSTRACT: Fuel Cell Power Generation is a renewable energy system that by the principle of electrochemical reaction produces electrical direct current (DC) as well as heat and water as the rest of the reaction. The excess heat is generated from the Fuel Cell can degrade the performance of Fuel Cell. Therefore, a temperature control system to maintain the temperature of the Fuel Cell stacks was needed, so it could be in the ideal working temperature. The temperature control system was done in PEMFC 100W using PID control with root locus method, and gained a proportinonal gain Kp = 3.65 and proportional integrative gain Ki = 0.365. The considerations of the selection of this gain were based on transient response system, which are a fast rise time, an overshoot as small as possible, and no steady state error. When the gain was implemented into the system, the system had a rise time of 0.2 seconds, had no overshoot, and the steady state error value was at 0.08oC. The temperature control system was able to generate optimal PEMFC 100W performance which was ± 16 volts, and was able to maintain the optimal temperature of the PEMFC 100W which was ± 31 oC.
Keyword: PEMFC, temperature control system, PID, root locus, transient response system.


Sistem Elektronika


Analisis Pengaruh Kontrol Suhu Terhadap Performansi Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) dengan Menggunakan Kontrol PID


Rp. 0
Rp. 1.000


Idam Firdaus
Mukhammad Ramdlan Kirom, M.Si, Reza Fauzi Iskandar


Universitas Telkom




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