Technology-Enabled Learning Creation towards Creative Learning Community

Dawam Dwi Jatmiko Suwawi

Informasi Dasar

104 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Thesis (S2) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Komunitas belajar yang terdiri atas sekelompok mahasiswa yang mengikuti beberapa mata kuliah bersama-sama telah banyak diimplementasikan di banyak universitas di United States ataupun negara-negara di Eropa sebagai alat pengingkatan pembelajaran mahasiswa. Akan tetapi, program komunitas belajar ini tidak banyak ditemukan atau bahkan belum ada universitas di Indonesia yang menagadaptasinya. Begitu juga pada Telkom Graduate Engineering School. Sebagai sebuah institusi pendidikan tingkat tinggi di bidang teknik, Telkom Graduate Engineering School perlu melatih kreativitas mahasiswa dalam sistem pembelajaran mahasiswa, hal ini berdasarkan sebuah temuan UNESCO yang menyebutkan bahwa keterampilan dibutuhkan oleh mahasiswa teknik untuk mengatasi tantangan-tantangan mahasiswa teknik di tempat kerja mereka di masa depan (UNESCO dalam Zhaou, 2011). Selain itu, negara dalam undang-undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia tahun 2003 pun telah menetapkan bahwa salah satu standar pendidikan di Indonesia adalah mengimplementasikan pembelajaran yang mengembangkan kreativitas peserta didik.

Tesis ini mengusulkan sebuah model konseptual komunitas pembelajaran kreatif yang didukung dengan teknologi sebagai sebuah program pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran mahasiswa.

Model ini dibangun dengan mengadaptasi Kerangka Kerja Penelitian Sistem Informasi dari Hevner, dkk (2004) yang menghasilkan artefak-artefak yang terdiri atas konstruk, model, dan metode, serta evaluasi artefak. Evaluasi model Technology-Enabled Creative Learning Community (T-E CLC) dilakukan dengan pendekatan obsevational case-study pada proses pembelajaran tesis di Telkom Graduate Engineering School, Telkom University. Hasil dari tesis ini adalah konstruk T-E CLC, model T-E CLC dan metode penerapan T-E CLC. Konstruk dari T-E CLC terdiri atas dua yaitu, pertama, elemen T-E CLC yang teridiri atas learning community, initiatives, creative learning, dan teknologi; dan, kedua, fase-fase pengembangan T-E CLC yang terdiri atas empat fase, yaitu, establishment, cooperation, collaboration, dan involvement. Elemen T-E CLC dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kualitas proses pembelajaran mata kuliah, sedangkan fase-fase pengembangan T-E CLC untuk mengerapkan T-E CLC pada suatu mata kuliah. Fase-fase pengembangan T-E CLC dikembangkan dengan mengadaptasi Phases of Engagement by Conrad and Donaldon dengan mempertimbangkan elemen-elemen T-E CLC. Model konseptual T-E CLC dan langkah pengembangannya dapat menjadi panduan bagi program studi ataupun institusi pendidikan tinggi untuk dapat mengaplikasikan model Creative Learning Community sesuai dengan kebutuhan institusi.

Kata Kunci : komunitas belajar, berpikir kreatif, engaged learning, teknologi, design science research in information systemABSTRACT: Learning community consisting of a group of students who follow several courses together has been implemented in many universities in the United States or countries in Europe as a means of enhancing student learning. However, this learning community program is not commonly found or even no universities have adapted it in Indonesia. Likewise in Telkom Engineering Graduate School, as an institution of higher education in the fields of engineering, Telkom Engineering Graduate School, creativity of students need to be exercised in the student learning system, it is based on a finding of UNESCO which says that creativity is needed by engineering students to solve challenges at their workplace in the future. In addition, the National Education System of the Republic of Indonesia in 2003 has also been established that one of the standards of education in Indonesia is implementing learning that develops creativity of students.

This thesis proposes a conceptual model of creative learning community that is supported by technology as a learning program to improve student learning.

This model was built by adapting the Information Systems Research Framework of Hevner, et al, which produces artifacts consisting of constructs, models, and methods, as well as the evaluation of artifacts. Evaluation model of Creative Technology - Enabled Learning Community (T-E CLC) is conducted by a case-study obsevational approach in the learning process of thesis at the Telkom Engineering Graduate School, Telkom University. The results of this thesis is the T-E CLC constructs, models and methods of applying. Two constructs of T-E CLC, namely, first, elements of T-E CLC that consist of learning community, initiatives, creative learning, and technology; and, secondly, the phases of the development of T-E CLC consisting of four phases, namely, establishment, cooperation, collaboration, and involvement. Elements of T-E CLC can be used to identify the quality of the learning process of a course, while the phases of development of T-E CLC can be used for applying T-E CLC on a subject. The development phases of T-E CLC are developed by adapting the Phases of Engagement of Conrad and Donaldon by considering the elements of T-E CLC. The conceptual model of T-E CLC and its development phases can be a guide for the course or institution of higher education to be able to apply Creative Learning Community in accordance with the needs of the institution.

Keyword: learning community, creative thinking, engaged learning, technology, design science research in information system




Technology-Enabled Learning Creation towards Creative Learning Community


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Dawam Dwi Jatmiko Suwawi
Husni S. Sastramihardja, , M.T., Warih Maharani


Universitas Telkom




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