ABSTRAKSI: Kopler berbasis saluran berjajar dapat direkayasa untuk berbagai faktor kopling, dimana kopler yang mempunyai faktor kopling tinggi digunakan unuk menyadap sebagian kecil daya gelombang mikro sehingga tidak mengganggu aliran daya utama.
Kopler berpita lebar bersaluran berjajar dan berfaktor kopling tinggi sangat berguna untuk membangun instrumen yang sangat penting untuk gelombang mikro, yaitu network analyzer ataupun vectormeter. Jenis kopler yang akan dibuat adalah direksional kopler tiga seksi, dimana direksional kopler jenis ini sangat cocok untuk alat ukur karena berfaktor kopling tinggi dan bandwith yang lebar.
Dalam tempo maksimal empat bulan dibuat suatu prototipe direksional kopler tiga seksi 750 MHz – 3000 MHz dalam VSWR maksimal 1,5 berterminal SMA-F 50 ohm, direktivitas 25 ± 1 dB dan berkopling 20 ± 1 dB, insertion loss maksimal 0,45 dB, berbasis saluran strip.
Hasil pengukuran direksional kopler, insertion loss pada frekuensi 750 MHz – 2175 MHz berkisar antara 0,237 dB – 0,313 dB sedangkan pada frekuensi 2175 MHz – 3000 MHz insertion loss berkisar dari 0 dB sampai -2,002 dB, VSWR maksimum tiap port sebesar 1,299, isolasi berkisar antara 41,463 dB - 46,359 dB, direktivitas berkisar antara 22,328 dB - 27,076 dB dan faktor kopling berkisar antara 17,514 dB – 23,393 dBKata Kunci : kopler bepita lebar, saluran strip, faktor kopling tinggiABSTRACT: Coupler based parallel line can be engineering for various coupling factor, where coupler which has high coupling factor used for capturing small fraction of microwave so that doesn’t disturbed main power stream.
Broadband coupler with parallel line and high factor coupling factor very useful for building an instrument which very important for microwave, i.e. network analyzer, SWR meter and vector meter. Kind of coupler which made was a three-section directional coupler, where this kind of directional coupler very suitable for measurement device because it has high coupling factor and wide of bandwidth.
during four month maximal time, made a theree-section directional coupler prototype at 750 MHz – 3000 MHz frequency at maximal VSWR 1.5 with SMA-F 50 terminal, 25 ± 1 dB directivity, and 20 ± 1 dB coupling maximal insertion loss 0.45 dB, based on stripline.
From the measurement of directional coupler, insertion loss at 750 MHz – 2175 MHz frequency about between 0.237 dB – 0.313 dB, as for at 2175 MHz – 3000 MHz frequency, insertion loss was about -2.002 dB until 0 dB, maximum VSWR for each port was 1.299, isolation was about between 41,463 dB - 46,359 dB, directivity was about 22.328 dB – 27.076 dB and coupling factor was about between 17.514 dB – 23.393 dB.Keyword: broadband coupler, stripline, high coupling factor