ABSTRAKSI: Membeli ban berkualitas dengan ukuran tepat serta dengan merek yang cukup terkenal di toko atau agen ban resmi merupakan hal penting untuk menjamin keselamatan, usia pakai ban, serta kepuasan atau kenyamanan berkendara. Namun, hal tersebut hanyalah sebuah permulaan dalam perawatan ban mobil Anda. Masih ada hal-hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan dalam merawat ban untuk mendapatkan performa optimum dan usia pakai ban agar lebih lama, salah satunya adalah memeriksa tekanan angin ban. Tekanan angin yang tepat adalah hal yang paling penting dalam perawatan ban. Artinya, ban harus diberi tekanan angin sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh pabrik pembuatnya. Ban yang mengalami kurang tekanan angin akan mudah mengalami kerusakan bagian sidewall akibat panas yang timbul, menurunnya kapasitas angkut beban dari ban tersebut, dan mengakibatkan mobil menjadi boros bahan bakar. Mengisi tekanan angin sampai batas maksimum seperti tertera di bagian sidewall ban akan menambah usia pakai ban serta dapat menghemat konsumsi bahan bakar mobil.
Dalam Proyek Akhir ini direalisasikan alat pemantau tekanan ban mobil. Alat ini terdiri dari 2 bagian, yaitu bagian pengirim yang diletakkan pada ban mobil dan bagian penerima yang diletakkan pada dashboard mobil. Di bagian pengirim terdapat MPX5500 sebagai pneumatic sensor dengan range 0-72,5 psi, mikrokontroler AVR ATmega8 sebagai pengolah data, dan RF Transceiver YS-1020UA yang di fungsikan sebagai Transmitter. Sedangkan pada bagian penerima terdapat RF Transceiver YS-1020UA yang di fungsikan sebagai Receiver, mikrokontroler AVR ATmega8535 sebagai pengolah data, dan LCD sebagai display.
Alat ini dapat digunakan untuk memantau tekanan angin pada ban mobil, memberikan informasi ke pengendara berupa nilai tekanan di LCD. Indikator LED warna hijau akan menyala jika tekanan ban antara 30-35 psi, dan LED warna merah akan menyala jika tekanan ban kurang dari 30 psi atau lebih dari 35 psi, sehingga dapat memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengendara dan meminimalisasi terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.Kata Kunci : Pneumatic Sensor , RF Transceiver, AVR, LCDABSTRACT: Buy a quality tire with the proper size and with a well-known brands in the store or authorized dealer of tire is important to ensure the safety, tire life and the satisfaction or comfort of driving. However, it was only a beginning in the care of your vehicle tire. There are still important things in the care of the tire to get the optimum performance and longer of tire’s life. One of them is to check the tire pressure. Proper air pressure is the most important thing in tire’s care. That is, the tire air pressure must be given in accordance with the standards set by the manufacturer. Tires that have less wind pressure will be easily damaged in the sidewall due caused by the heat, decrease of load carrying capacity of the tire, and also resulted in a wasteful vehicle fuel. Filling up to the maximum wind pressure as indicated on the tire sidewall will increase tire life and can save on vehicle fuel consumption.
Buy a quality tire with the proper size and with a well-known brands in the store or authorized dealer of tire is important to ensure the safety, tire life and the satisfaction or comfort of driving. However, it was only a beginning in the care of your vehicle tire. There are still important things in the care of the tire to get the optimum performance and longer of tire’s life. One of them is to check the tire pressure. Proper air pressure is the most important thing in tire’s care. That is, the tire air pressure must be given in accordance with the standards set by the manufacturer. Tires that have less wind pressure will be easily damaged in the sidewall due caused by the heat, decrease of load carrying capacity of the tire, and also resulted in a wasteful vehicle fuel. Filling up to the maximum wind pressure as indicated on the tire sidewall will increase tire life and can save on vehicle fuel consumption.
This device can be used to monitor the air pressure in the tire of vehicle, and it can give information to the driver on LCD. The indicator green LED will be on if the pressure of tire between 30 – 35 psi, and the red LED will be on if pressure of tire less than 30 psi or more than 35 psi, so it can give a convenience to the driver and minimize the occurrence of unwanted things.Keyword: Pneumatic sensor, RF Transceiver, AVR, LCD.