The role of information technology (IT) in running the business process of a company in the information age nowadays were urgently needed. Information technology is not just limited to computer technology (hardware and software) that will be used to process and store information, but also includes communications technology to send information. Currently the IT architecture is something that is needed in a business. This is because the IT architecture designed all business processes in a company that enables organizations to plan and manage IT investments. In addition, the IT architecture can produce an IT master plan formed as blueprint of built system, implemented and maintained used to explain and demonstrate how the IT organization and information management elements work together for efficiency in supporting the goals of the organization. The government has also sees opportunities to increase their IT investments and deliver additional value in construction. In 2004, the Indonesian government issued Laws No. 25 of the National Development Planning System related to the Strategic Plan. It encourages all levels of local governments to participate in building the nation through IT based services, including Bandung regency government. Based on DPPK needs the IT Master Plan then, in this research designing IT Master Plan based on Enterprise Architecture. For designing Enterprise Architecture in DPPK should use TOGAF framework for guidelines EA designing. Enterprise Architecture consist of Business Architecture, Information System Architecture and Technology Architecture. After that, each architecture has output be in the form of designing solutions. Based on many solutions/ project have to choose the priority project for being roadmap. Roadmap is for determine development of strategic information system planning.
Keyword: Information System Strategic Planning, TOGAF ADM, Business Architecture, Information System Architecture, Technology Architecture, Opportunities and Solution, Roadmap