This study aims to determine how the influence of the implementation of partnership program to corporate image PT. Pegadaian Regional Office XI Bandung. The independent variables studied are coaching (PEMB) and credit (PK), while the dependent variables are personality (PERS), reputation (REP), value / ethics (VE) and corporate identity (CI).
The population in this study are those foster partners in PT Pegadaian Regional Office XI Bandung and the samples that taken to conduct this study is 100 respondents using disproportionate stratified random sampling. The data analysis technique used in this fieldwork is partial least square modeling (PLS)
After reviewing each set of independent variables and their effects on each set of dependent variables, it is seen that indeed the implementation of the partnership program as a CSR activity undertaken by PT. Pegadaian Regional Office XI Bandung proven influence on corporate image. The average influence of coaching (PEMB) is greater than credit (PK) to each of dependent variables in this study which are personality (PERS), reputation (REP), value / ethics (VE) and corporate identity (CI).